Natural Disaster: Avalanche By: Nabiha 5/6 Waterfern

Identify the effects of an avalanche

Although an Avalanche is a natural disaster, there is little damage to nature such as forests. But, it causes a great deal to man-made structures. An avalanche can block anything in its path such as roads. Due to this, tourists have a difficult time moving from place to place. Tourists who ski on a mountain with a high chance of an avalanche, have a great risk of losing their lives.

Identify appropriate safety procedures for an avalanche

  1. Make sure you have appropriate gear that is suitable for an avalanche. Eg. A lamp, helmet and shovel.
  2. If you are stuck in an avalanche try to reach and grab a branch from a tree.
  3. Before an avalanche starts, look up where it will go and go the opposite direction.

Investigate how building techniques can reduce the impact of avalanches

A strong metal fence around the top of a mountain can reduce the chance of getting hit by an avalanche. Building a house, when there is no chance of an avalanche, on the edge of the mountain and making a strong metal cover on top of the house makes it almost impossible for an avalanche to hit you.


Created with images by Jonas B - "Mountains"

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