Wanderlust A Picture Profile Series by McKenna Elise

For my Final Exam, I was to create a movie/corresponding poster about Attitudes and how one should act correctly. I created The Edge of Adulthood. As sort of a satire of the new movie, The Edge of Seventeen, TEOA is about a young girl just about to become an adult without a clue in the world on how she should be or what she should be. So in a comical, coming-of-age genre, you watch this young girl stubble through the lines and scene of the movie until she rises victorious of her own life.
This picture was created by adding an adjustment layer with a pure white background. Then erasing all the excess white that wasn't needed to create the white teeth.
This is the same man in these pictures. Not a few years younger or older. The same man, the same photo. All I have done is removed a few of his wrinkles with the Healing Tool on Photoshop. You sample a different part or patch of skin close to the wrinkle itself and then you briskly paint over the wrinkles to make them bend in with the surround skin.
Created By
McKenna Elise

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