
中国长触角深入美国媒体 【中英对照翻译】

China’s Long Tentacles Extend Deep Into American Media

作者:ARTHUR BLOOM /阿瑟·布鲁姆

消息来源:theamericanconservative 《美国保守派》


PR: 海阔天空





The companies that own our major networks all do business in China. And that's just the beginning.


The English-language daily newspaper 'China Daily' are on display in the lobby of the Winters Hotel in Berlin, Germany, 28 March 2014. Photo: Jens Kalaene | usage worldwide (Photo by Jens Kalaene/picture alliance via Getty Images)

2014年3月28日,英文日报《中国日报》在德国柏林的温特斯酒店大堂展出。照片:Jens Kalaene | 全球使用情况(Jens Kalaene摄影/图片联盟通过Getty Images)


One unfortunate casualty of media consolidation could be the objectivity of news at a time of rising tensions with China. According to Gallup, public approval of the media’s response to the coronavirus pandemic is the lowest out of the nine institutions surveyed, the only net negative on the list. Many more Americans approve of the president’s response.


There are three reasons why the public is right to be skeptical, all of which have been on display during the coronavirus pandemic. One is a credulity toward experts. Max Fisher of the New York Times tweeted on Monday, in response to growing skepticism toward Chinese claims that they’ve brought the outbreak under control, “If your well-grounded concern is that official Chinese data can never be trusted, it’s worth considering that the WHO is vouching firsthand for the country having achieved a major turnaround.”

公众保持怀疑有三个原因,所有这些都在冠状病毒大流行期间表现出来。一个是对专家的信任。其一是对专家的轻信。马克斯·费雪的《纽约时报》周一发推,回应了对中国声称他们已经控制了疫情的日益增加的怀疑,“如果您有充分证据证明,中国官方数据不能被信任, 那就需要考虑一下,世卫组织正在为该国取得重大转机做第一担保人。

The tweet linked to an interview with Canadian epidemiologist and World Health Organization advisor Bruce Aylward, who spent last Friday dodging a Hong Kong journalist’s questions about Taiwan in an interview that really has to be seen to be believed. Setting aside the other evidence that the WHO has been co-opted by China, this is a little embarrassing.

这条推文与加拿大流行病学家和世界卫生组织顾问布鲁斯·艾尔沃德(Bruce Aylward)的采访有关,后者在上周五的一次采访中回避了香港记者对台湾的疑问,这确实难以令人信服。 且不谈世卫组织与中共国勾兑后编造的其他证据,这有点尴尬了。

The second reason is the worldview of most journalists. These were the same people who told the public in February they should be more worried about the flu, or stigma against Asian Americans, than the virus itself.

第二个原因是大多数记者的世界观。 就是这些人在二月份告诉公众,他们更应该关心流畅,或针对亚裔美国人的污名。

The third reason is that many media companies either do business with China or are paid by the government in some way. This one is potentially more insidious than the other two.

第三个原因是,许多媒体公司要么与中国开展业务,要么由该政府以某种方式支付报酬。 这个可能比其他两个更阴险。

The companies that own the major news networks, NBC, ABC, and CBS, all do significant business in China. On the print side, top U.S. newspapers like the Washington Post and New York Times have been criticized for running paid China Daily inserts. What they were paid for these inserts is still unknown.

这些公司拥有主要新闻网络,NBC,ABC和CBS都在中国开展了重要业务。 在印刷方面,《华盛顿邮报》和《纽约时报》等美国顶级报纸因刊登有偿的《中国日报》插页而受到批评。 他们为这些插页获得的报酬依然未知。

By contrast, conservative news companies are much less involved in China. Conservative radio giant Salem, whose attempt to buy Tribune several years ago provoked an enormous freakout from media reporters over consolidation, is all-American. And Fox, after several troubled attempts to break into the Chinese market—including sending a News Corp team to help build People’s Daily a website—has mostly given up, after selling its Asia-Pacific operations to Disney over the last two years.

相比之下,保守的新闻公司与中国的牵扯要少得多。 保守派广播巨头塞勒姆(Salem)完全是美国的。几年前,他试图收购《论坛报》(Tribune)的举动引发了媒体记者对报业整合的巨大恐慌。 福克斯在进入中国市场的几次尝试(包括派遣新闻集团(News Corp)的一个团队帮助《人民日报》(People’s Daily))都遇到了麻烦。在过去两年将亚太业务出售给迪士尼(Disney)之后,该公司已基本放弃了进军中国市场的努力。

Disney owns ABC and has a park in Shanghai. It also owns ESPN, which was criticized for its coverage of China’s retaliation against the NBA earlier this year over one team owner’s support of the Hong Kong protests. But other than ABC, Disney is relatively uninvolved in news.


Comcast, on the other hand, has a much larger footprint in the U.S. media landscape, between NBC News, CNBC, and MSNBC. The company’s role in fostering cultural exchange is truly historic: they’ve brought to millions of American homes a customer service experience akin to a utility provider in a communist country, and have invested billions to bring “Minion Land” and a Harry Potter village to Beijing, with the help of a state-owned investment vehicle.

另一方面,康卡斯特在美国媒体领域的影响力要大得多,它的影响力介于NBC新闻频道(NBC News)、CNBC和微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)之间。该公司在促进文化交流方面的作用具有真正的历史意义:它们为数百万个美国家庭带来了类似于共产主义国家的公用事业提供商的客户服务体验,并在一家国有投资机构的帮助下,投资数十亿美元将“小黄人世界”(Minion Land)和一个“哈利波特村”(Harry Potter village)搬到北京。

What might the Chinese government do if it were displeased with something that ran on MSNBC? Perhaps they’d have a tense conversation with their partners at 30 Rockefeller Plaza about the forthcoming slate of movie releases in China. Or it might be worse, given their decision to cut off all NBA games to retaliate against one team owner.

如果中国政府对MSNBC上的某些内容不满意,该怎么办? 也许他们会与洛克菲勒广场30号的合作伙伴进行紧张的磋商,以讨论即将在中国上映的电影。 考虑到他们决定停止所有NBA比赛的转播来对一个球队老板进行报复,这也许会变得更糟。

But evidently China is pleased with their partnership so far, and no NBC journalists had their residency permits pulled earlier this month. A March 10 post on the New York consulate’s website touted a recent meeting with Comcast execs:


Comcast Corporation is not only the participator of the increasingly close cultural exchanges, but also the contributor and beneficiary of deeper economic exchanges between China and the US. The NBC and the Universal Studios Theme Park in Beijing are witnesses of the in-depth development of Sino-US economic and trade relations and increasingly close cultural exchanges.

康卡斯特公司不仅是日益密切的文化交流的参与者,也是中美经济交流深化的贡献者和受益者。美国全国广播公司(NBC)和北京环球影城(Universal Studios)主题公园见证了中美经贸关系的深入发展和日益密切的文化交流。

Consul General Huang Ping made a point of discussing China’s response to the coronavirus, as well as news coverage in the U.S.: “China’s prevention and control practices have earned valuable time and experience for other countries. …We hope that the NBC and other U.S. media will objectively and fairly report China’s efforts to control the epidemic.”


At this point, there should be no doubt that the Chinese government would not view it as objective or fair to question their initial response to the epidemic or their case numbers now. And it’s not hard to see an implied threat in the consulate’s statement: nice theme park you’ve got there, it’d be a shame if something happened to it.


A few weeks after the meeting, NBC News stories appeared saying the only new coronavirus cases in China had come from foreigners, and another one about China asserting its global leadership. These stories would no doubt be considered objective and fair by the Chinese diplomatic corps, but it’s a level of credulity NBC News would never take with, say, the Trump administration.

会谈几周后,NBC新闻报道似乎说中国唯一的新冠病毒病例来自外国人,而另一起有关中国维护全球领导地位的案件。毫无疑问,中国外交使团认为这些故事是客观公正的,但这是美国广播公司(NBC News)从未接受过的那种轻信,例如特朗普政府。

This kind of corruption looks very different from Paul Manafort trying to sneak an ostrich jacket through customs. Yet it’s still troubling all the same.

这种腐败看起来与保罗·马纳福特(Paul Manafort)试图让一件鸵鸟皮夹克通过海关的做法非常不同。然而,它仍然令人困扰。


Arthur Bloom is managing editor of The American Conservative. He was previously deputy editor of the Daily Caller and a columnist for the Catholic Herald. He holds masters degrees in urban planning and American studies from the University of Kansas. His work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Spectator (UK), The Guardian, Quillette, The American Spectator, Modern Age, and Tiny Mix Tapes.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】