Minecraft All about minecraft

So what is Minecraft you ask? Minecraft is an imaginary building game and you can install mods. What is mods click below to see what's mods

So if you install mods what do they do? They add more items and textures to the game. Games doesn't have the ability to normally edit the files. We all know that. To say if I'm playing Minecraft and breaking a grass block it doesn't let me. That's editing a file.

Have fun playing the game!

But wait can you install mods? YES.

So did you explore the game? Well I hope you did! Because there's so much more to explore! Download some mods!

You can see the textures of the resource pack.

Minecraft logo

You can see the whole world on a mountain.

There's so many animals to.

There's many many many kinds of blocks in Minecraft.

There are trees.

Realistic water.

What are texture packs? They are something that adds something like real life. You can make something talk like a villager.

Minecraft. See the WorlD in a 3D game.
Created By
Caleb German

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