Online Reputation gavin lancia


I'm going to be talking about online reputation on the various social media sites on the web and how to keep yourself safe from other people and most importantly, how to have a fun social media experience.

Ways To Stay Safe

social medias are a dangerous place because people could possibly leak photos or if you have information about where you live people could show up to your house. First, I would recommend that you put all your social media accounts to private so that only the people that you want to, see your account, I also suggest to never put your location o a post because people could go there to your area.

Google Yourself Frequently

the reason you should google yourself is because you should check on how you are portrayed online. like if there are any websites bad mouthing you or any embarrassing photos you don't want on the internet, you may also find many other things.


Snapchat could be a dangerous place, it is home to many things. the creators are smart by having a timer on the photo and deleting it. but many people have photos that should not be seen. my advice is don't send anything that you wouldn't post on a public site


Created with images by TeroVesalainen - "smartphone screen social media" • magicatwork - "Social Media" • USA-Reiseblogger - "smartphone notebook social media" • Visual Content - "Snapchat User"

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