Ethan D

Chaco national park

If I ever went to Chaco national park the first thing I would do is do a self guided tour around the place and see some cool places like Hungo pavi, Una vida, Chetro Keri and Pueblo bonito

The second thing I would do on the second day is I would go camping at Gallo campground and grill out there. There is picnic tables there so you can eat on the tables. Also it comes with a campfire so you can eat marshmallows.

On thet third day I would go hiking in wijiji a 8 mile long trail or go to penasco blanco to go hiking the trail is 3 miles long so I would be going on a big trip. They give you a map but you have to buy the map. Also you can get a good look at Chaco canyon.

Stone pictures on Chaco national park walls
Chaco tour
Una Vida


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