Francia vive le vie

The capital of France is Paris.

Typical clothes from France...In general, traditional men's clothing in France consists of six basic pieces. The chemise is a linen undershirt, and culottes are knee-length pants. Men wear a pair of hose, or knee-high socks, and mitasses are protective garters worn atop the lower legs. A guillette is a small, short vest worn over the chemise, and the capote or justacorp is a heavy coat with large cuffs worn over the entire outfit.

This is a French fichu.

Traditional French women's clothing have four basic pieces. A chemise is worn under everything, and is comparable to an underskirt or shift. A jupon is similar to a skirt, and more than one is worn to indicate wealth and status. French women wear a mantlet, or a short waistcoat, on top as a shirt. The outfit is finished off by a fichu, which is a square piece of cloth used modesty scarf and is worn around the neck and shoulders. Nearly all traditional French women's outfits are topped off by some type of cap or other head wear.

Temperature ranges between 20°C and 26°C from May through October. Springtime in Paris is mild and relatively dry, and the autumn is equally extended. July and August are the warmest months. Daily average maximum temperatures range from 6°C in January to 26°C in August.

The French flag has three colors

Blue and red are associated with the Virgin Mary, the patroness of France, and were the colors of the flag. The colors of the French flag may also represent the three main estates of the Ancient Régime (the clergy: white, the nobility: red and the bourgeoisie: blue).

Common French food includes a variety of wonderful things such as macaroons, escargot, yummy things from the boulangerie (a french bakery). If you are hungry or need to manger (eat) you can eat very well in France. Not to mention that it is very typical to eat raw meat called steak Tartare.

Make sure you include the correct country's cooking...note that this one is from Cambodia and is not "authentic" French escargot.


Created with images by skeeze - "eiffel tower long exposure lights" • jackmac34 - "flag french flag france" • jill111 - "cheese tray cheeses french cheese" • la-fontaine - "cake cheese tart" • la-fontaine - "cake mango fruit" • la-fontaine - "cake tart sweet" • la-fontaine - "cake suites chocolate" • PhotoGranary - "snail kiss reptile" • 2cassis - "macaroon personalise pastry" • TesaPhotography - "macarons colorful french" • jill111 - "olive oil truffles oil french oil"

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