Photos By: Kylie Karls

For my photo project for the end of the first semester, I am emulating Andy Goldsworthy. In this journal of my work, I will be adding in my own photos that I created myself, and the ones that Andy Goldsworthy did. Through this glideshow, I will show you the pictures that I took at The Archy Bray, my self portraits, and the ones that I re-created with the Andy Goldsworthy pieces.

Self Portrait

This picture that I will be recreating is a leaf patch with an orange circle disrupting the flow of the normal picture. This photograph has no title that I could find but was photographed in 1983.

The next picture that I will recreate has no title but was captured in 1983. Goldsworthy captures this photograph of rocks with white lines that connect each rock to one another.

This photograph that caught my interest was this one of rocks going in a spiral pattern with a crack in each rock, which then lines up to one another, creating a feeling of separation while they are still alike. This photo was taken in 1985 and seems to have no title.

The fourth picture that I chose to do is of sticks together to make a sharp point at the top. The description of this picture is sticks spire. Although there is no title, this photo was also captured in 1983.

The final picture that I plan to recreate is this picture of feathers buried under dirt. This picture has no title and was created in 1977 by Goldsworthy. I will recreate this picture by using feathers and burying them with snow.

Andy Goldsworthy photos and the ones that I re-created.

My best photos from the NW College Contest

Archie Bray photos

Poem on photograph


Other photos from Seattle, Washington

Light Writing

Created By
Kylie Karls

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