English Teacher South korea. Pt 1.

Hello there. My name is Andrew and I am a veteran two year English teacher. I hope you are able to journey with me as I recollect my memories of the good and bad in South Korea. I promise to be true and honest, only exaggerating slightly to give an oomph to my otherwise boring blog. I consider myself an accomplished story teller, so sit back, relax, close your eyes as I take your hand and step through the doors of an ESL kindergarten champion.

The blue is South, you probably don't want to touch the red.

I can still remember the day I got my first interview to teach in South Korea, hands quivering holding my iPhone 4 as I awaited the dreaded Skype video call.

It was the year 2014. I was fresh out of university, whilst other newly grads pounced for those graduate jobs.. I was actually desperate to land that overseas teaching job, to stay close to my Korean girlfriend whose student visa just expired in Australia. With a hesitant finger motion and deep breaths I touched that green accept call symbol.

I stumbled over words as the interviewer mumbled out generic questions with his semi-broke English. After about 10 minutes it was over. The interview was so awkward I had no clue as to how bad or good it was, my fate in the hands of a man I've never met.

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Life has a way of throwing surprises and within a month of that Skype call, I was on my way to tackle the infamous visa run in Singapore. My mind solely focused on being with my beloved and nothing else.

It took about a week, and with the help of my father I was back on the plane heading towards a little town named Hyangnam, 45 minutes south of Seoul.

Created By
Andrew Quah

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