
Passover And it's significance


Passover occurred during the night of the plague of the first born according to instructions that God had given them so that the firstborn son(s) of their household would not die as well.

God said for each household to choose a year old male lamb without defects and raise it for fourteen days before killing it and if the household was relatively small than they were supposed to share the lamb with another one.

After killing the lamb they were supposed to dip a sprig of hyssop in the lambs blood and use it to draw over their doorway. Once they had done this they were supposed to pin the sprig of hyssop to the top of the doorway.

After killing the lamb they were supposed to roast it whole and serve it with bitter herbs and burn any lamb that was leftover the next morning.


The Passover is full of symbolism of Jesus' sacrifice and how he died.

The lamb represented Jesus.

  • It was a male.
  • It was without defects
  • It was supposed to be shared if the household was too small for it.
Male lamb year old without defects

Jesus was called the lamb of God and was a male without defects. Jesus also came to save us all so the Israelites were forced to share their savior.

The way the lamb was treated shows how they treated Jesus

  • The lamb was taken care of than killed

This shows how they would try to earn Jesus' trust by being kind to him before ultimately killing him as the sacrifice in the end.

The way the lamb was killed mirrors how Jesus was killed.

  • Was shorn (naked)
  • Throat was slit (bled and suffocated to death)

Jesus died naked while he was crucified. Crucifiction kills you by making you suffocate and bleed to death.

The lamb's after death represents how Jesus died and resurrected.

  • The lamb was roasted whole.
  • Was served with bitter herbs.
  • Any leftovers were burned so that none were left in the morning.

When Jesus died his body was still whole and after a person died they would cover their body in spices and herbs. The next morning when they went to check Jesus' tomb he was not there.

The Blood of the lamb

  • The blood of the lamb was painted over the doorway with hyssop.
  • The hyssop was covered in the blood and pinned to the doorway.
  • Hyssop represents purity and purification.

The blood of the lamb was drawn over the doorway of the household using hyssop which was than pinned to the doorway. This showed that they were Israelites and were to be spared from the plague of the first born. The blood of the lamb represented Jesus' blood and how his blood saved us all from eternal death and purified us since all of our sins were put unto him.

God had the Israelites perform the Passover to show them how they would eventually be saved from not death but eternal death and to prepare them for it so that when he came they would recognize the signs even if it was only after he had died for in the same way that the lamb they killed and sacrificed was meant to be a sacrifice payed in the blood of the lamb to save us as only Jesus blood would be payment enough to save us all. This shows that even than God was showing the good news that Jesus would come to save us all even though it had not already happened.


paulthepoke. (2015, March 15). Passover, Nisan 10-13, 33 AD. Retrieved 2016, December 12 from https://paulthepoke.com/2015/03/15/passover-nisan-10-13-33-ad/
Blank W. ( N/A). Hyssop. Retrieved 2016, December 12 from http://www.keyway.ca/htm2006/20060609.htm
Fairchild M. (2016, August 4). Jesus Christ - Profile of Jesus Christ from the New Testement. Retrieved 2016, December 12 from yesterday http://christianity.about.com/od/newtestamentpeople/p/jesuschrist.htm
N/A. (N/A). Hyssop. Retrieved from http://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionaries/smiths-bible-dictionary/hyssop.html
Created By
Brianna Palenzuela


paulthepoke. (2015, March 15). Passover, Nisan 10-13, 33 AD. Retrieved 2016, December 12 from https://paulthepoke.com/2015/03/15/passover-nisan-10-13-33-ad/ Blank W. ( N/A). Hyssop. Retrieved 2016, December 12 from http://www.keyway.ca/htm2006/20060609.htm Fairchild M. (2016, August 4). Jesus Christ - Profile of Jesus Christ from the New Testement. Retrieved 2016, December 12 from http://christianity.about.com/od/newtestamentpeople/p/jesuschrist.htm N/A. (N/A). Hyssop. Retrieved from http://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionaries/smiths-bible-dictionary/hyssop.html

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