Memorial Day By: Jake Novick

Memorial day is a day to honor the men and woman that served in the military. The person who thought of memorial day was Lyndon Johnson. He created it on May 26th, 1966. The first state that recognized it was New York. Many people ask why do we celebrate it. The reason we celebrate it is because there is men and woman that served in the military and risked their lives for us. Such as the Civil war. The Civil war was a very tragic time period where many people that served in the Civil war from the military risked their lives. So we need to support them as much as we can. The sad part is that 20,000 veterans died before serving the first Memorial day. To make Memorial day even more fun you can make traditions. Some popular traditions are raising the flag, attending parades, or even attending memorial service. Memorial day only comes once a year so make it fun!


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