Northern Renaissance BY: Jillian Downey

The Northern Renaissance

  • The center of the European Renaissance movement was in Italy
  • The Northern renaissance refers to Renaissance art, architecture, and philosophy that took place outside of Italy
  • The Northern Renaissance was the Renaissance that occurred in Europe north of the Alps

German Painter Durer

  • He was a painter and a printmaker generally regarded as the greatest German Renaissance artist
  • His vast body of work includes altarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and self-portraits, and copper engravings.

German painter Holbein

  • Holbein was a member of a family of important artists
  • Holbein entered the painters’ corporation in 1519, married a tanner’s widow, and became a burgher of Basel in 1520

German Painter Van Eyck

  • He was born in about 1395
  • In 1432 Van Eyck painted "Adoration of the lamb", the altarpiece for the church of St. Bavon, Ghent

Flemish Painter Bruegel

  • He was well known for his paintings of peasants and landscapes
  • He was born with the last name of Breughel after the town of his birth

Christian Humanist Erasmus

  • He was born in the Netherlands
  • He was a dutch humanist and theologian
  • "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes"

Christian Humanist Thomas More

  • Was an english lawyer and scholar whose writing became famous throughout Europe
  • In 1516 he wrote the book Utopia
  • "If honor were profitable, everyone would be honorable"

Christine de Pizan

  • Christine de Pizan was one of the first European writers to question different treatment of boys and girls
  • Born in Venice, Italy in 1364
  • De Pisan joined her father in France at a young age, and he saw to her education

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