Music of the Victorian Era By Sara vanderford

Music in the Victorian Era played an important role in many peoples lives and impacted them in many ways. Music was created as a distraction to keep people entertained and to give songwriters and chance to make it big before their career ends.

Music of the Victorian Era was made to create harmony in peoples lives. It was meant to help relax people and take their minds off of things. Instrumental tunes embraced the ideas of simplicity, diversity, and seriousness. The type of music was essentially contemporary and humorous in nature.

The writers of the music of the Victorian Era played a huge role in the upbringing of music. To be a writer in the Victorian Era, you had to know what you were doing and be prepared for the time of your life. Songwriters had to have the potential to hold a crowds attention and keep things interesting.

The music in the Victorian Era was strictly instrumental, therefor, their music relied dominantly on instruments. There were three main instruments at the time which were the piano, harpsichord, and the organ. The instruments of the Victorian Era have influenced the instruments songwriters use today.

The Victorian Era was a time for new beginnings and changes. It played a big role in many peoples lives and gave them a way to enjoy life and create a sense of sanity and simplicity. Music helped people become who they are and gave them a way to pursuit their dreams in life. Victorian Era music impacted people and the way they felt and had a long lasting impression on their lives.

Created By
Sara Vanderford


Created with images by STA82 - "piano key ivory" • maudco - "rococo harp castle" • kpr2 - "synthesizer music musical instrument" • jayneandd - "Sheet Music" • aitoff - "organ pipes church" • Andrew J. Sutherland - "Many a good tune"

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