Fluorite By:Alana robbins

Colors are white, clear, green, yellow, or purple, and the streak color is white.

The luster is translucent, which means allowing light, but not detailed images, to pass through; semitransparent.

The hardness of them tend to be somewhere between 2.5 and 5.5. Compared to Fluorite, Graphite's hardness is softer and Muscovite's hardness is harder.

Fluorite is the mineral form of calcium fluoride. It belongs to the minerals. It crystallizes in isometric cubic habit, although complex isometric forms are not uncommon.

4-6 planes is the cleavage.

The main mining areas for fluorite are China, Mexico and Western Europe. Fluorine occurs naturally in the earth's crust where it can be found in rocks, coal and clay. Fluorides are released into the air in wind-blown soil. Fluorine is the 13th most found element in the Earth's crust.

Some interesting facts about fluorite are pure fluorite is colorless. When fluorite is colored it is because of various impurities. Plus Fluorite glows when it is exposed to UV light. Also it is used during jewelry making especially with beads.


Created with images by alusruvi - "fluorite fluorspar glass gloss" • phylofigures - "pgen.1002891.g001" • woodleywonderworks - "The Night Lights of the United States (as seen from space)" • judygva (back in town and trying to catch up) - "Hangzhou" • knottyboy - "Indigo and purple"

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