Music Education Is Important.

Music is a large part of the world. With many paths and careers available to pursue.
There are a vast amount of music related professions!
Film scorer, professional performer, conducted, audio technician, arranger, etc...

There are high demand technical jobs in various forms of entertainment. From audio developer of a video game, to audio technician in a recording booth. All of these jobs Require a basic and advanced knowledge of music.

There are also many jobs that require a performer. An orchestra recording a film-score for a movie. Or a choir singing for a professional concert.

Music is regarded as an important part in life. Education should consider it important as well.


Created with images by Dave Hogg - "Combined Choir" • MrsBrown - "music orchestra trio" • usarmyband - "_CMB7833" • woodleywonderworks - "Jazz Academy Orchestra Plays Westminster Pres Church" • STA82 - "scores music background" • Diraen - "Inception-movie-poster" • tpsdave - "tim mcgraw singer country" • hornistjj - "orchestra chorus beethoven" • vancouverfilmschool - "Freelance Sound Designer Adolfo Hernandez Visits VFS" • Activ-Michoko - "mixing table-mixing music" • usarmyband - "DSC_7224" • stevepb - "piano music score music sheet"

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