Schools Can Hit the Bullseye with Archery How the sport can aide in classroom success

Administrations implementing archery would benefit primary schools beyond the children’s physical education because archery also helps students in the academic classroom.

Archery requires great focus, patience, and attention.

Safety is heavily stressed by the programs, thus teaching students a valuable lesson in the area of responsibility.

In an article by Leigh Ann Clifton, world champion archer Mike Pierce explains that learning archery helps students develop focus and concentration which ultimately improves life skills.

The mental benefits come in addition to the physical benefits of archery. Archery is an "win" for the gym class and academic classes.

These life skills are things that can be taken to the classroom and even into their everyday lives.

U.S. Olympic coach Michael Usherenko states, "'Archery helps develop attention span…which can help kids do well in school.’”

In conclusion, schools should implement archery because it improves attention, focus, and responsibility in the academic classroom.


Created with images by meineresterampe - "target arrow middle" • John Novotny Photographer and Video Producer - "Archery Competition Edmonton Sportmen's Show 8" • vastateparksstaff - "TL - Archery" • TimWilson - "Pre-shooting instruction" • US Department of Education - "_PR10255" • John Novotny Photographer and Video Producer - "Archery Competition Edmonton Sportmen's Show 6" • US Department of Education - "IMG81" • zgusky - "ECS Classroom" • John Novotny Photographer and Video Producer - "Archery Competition Edmonton Sportmen's Show 1" • K.M. Klemencic - "DSC_8953" • USAG-Humphreys - "Back to School 2012 - U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys, South Korea - 27 August 2012" • Willo290971 - "student girl studying learning"

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