Jorge Campos Ryan Chan, Zack Severino, and Danny Vuong

Overall Goals of Therapy

  • Restrengthen legs
  • Starting to walk and eventually run

Physical Needs

  • Strengthen right leg
  • Strengthen muscles surrounding hips

Pain and Progress in Next 6 Months

The patient may experience severe pain after amputation that can be treated using pain relief medication to relieve it. He may experience phantom pain felt in the area where the limb was, which is common among amputees. He may also experience residual limb pain occurring in the remaining part of the leg, possibly caused by Aggressive bone edge, bone spur formation, neuroma, abscess or bursitis. This can be treated by removal on causes along with pain medication.

The patient should expect to learn how to control pain and getting used to their amputation in the hospital. After they should expect to go home and get prepared for a prosthesis. After the wound has fully healed, the patient will be fitted for a prosthesis and will receive a temporary prosthesis for 2 - 6 months. From there the patient will learn how to properly use the prosthesis. After the patient should expect to return to routine activities and 'normal' life.

Physical Rehabilitation Plan for Next 6 Months

  • Recovery in the Hospital

After surgery, Jorge will stay in the hospital about 3 to 7 days. If other health problems arise he may stay longer.

  • Preparing for a prosthesis at home

After Jorge arrives home, he may begin to prepare for your prosthesis fitting. This stage may take 3 to 4 weeks.

  • Getting fitted for a prosthesis

Once your wound has healed, Jorge's first visit to the prosthetist may take place. He will begin fitting him for a prosthesis. About 3 weeks after the first fitting, he'll receive a preparatory (sometimes called temporary) prosthesis.

  • Learning to use a prosthesis

Jorge will use the preparatory prosthesis until his residual limb has reached a stable size. This can take 2 to 6 months. Then he may receive a definitive (sometimes called permanent) prosthesis. This prosthesis may have a more natural look or have more advanced parts. Or, he will continue to use the preparatory prosthesis and it will serve as your definitive prosthesis.

  • Returning to routine activities

When he is ready, he may resume many activities that has been part of his life. But life may present new challenges.

A Typical Physical Therapy Session

  • Basic Necessities - The physical therapist and prosthetist get the patient used to balance, standing, walking, and managing the prosthetic. Exercises include weight shifting to improve balance.
  • Pain Control - The physical therapist and prosthetist work together to teach the patient ways to manage pain, caring for the limb, and wrapping it to prevent swelling.
  • Muscles - Stretching and range of motion exercises work on the hip, back, and abdomen muscles.

A Typical Occupational Therapy Session

  • Everyday activities - Occupational therapist works with patient to ensure that they can function in their own home
  • Exercises include getting in and out of a car, getting dressed, driving, using the bathroom, and sitting down
  • Instructions on putting on and taking off the prosthetic
  • Strengthening exercises work on hip, back, and abdomen muscles


Created with images by Cluster Munition Coalition - "CLUSTER BOMBS - SOUTH LEBANON" • Brian Cribb - "DSCF2907" • helloitspd - "Terri Medina parallel bars"

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