What is Matter by: courtney s. davis


What is matter? Matter is a physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit;that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy.

There is two types of matter they are called pure substance, and mixture. But first lets talk about pure substance. Pure substance is defined as substances that are made of only one type of atom or only one type of molecule (a group of atoms bonded together). The measure of whether a substance is pure is known as purity.

In a pure substance there are elements.

An element is a substance consisting of atoms which all have the same number of protons - i.e. the same atomic number. Elements are chemically the simplest substances and hence cannot be broken down using chemical methods. Elements can only be changed into other elements using nuclear methods.

Another thing in pure substance is compounds.

A compound is a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture.

The other type of matter is mixture.

There is two types of mixtures one of them is called homogeneous.

Homogeneous is of the same kind; alike.

Homogeneous has a part to it and it is called solutions. Solutions is a liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed within the major component (the solvent).

The other thing of a mixture is Heterogeneous.

Heterogeneous is of or denoting a process involving substances in different phases (solid, liquid, or gaseous).

There are two parts of a heterogeneous mixture one is suspension.

A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solute-like particles settle out of a solvent-like phase some time after their introduction. We apply the word 'suspension' when particles are big enough to eventually settle.

The other thing that is part of a heterogeneous mixture is colloid.

A homogeneous, noncrystalline substance consisting of large molecules or ultramicroscopic particles of one substance dispersed through a second substance. Colloids include gels, sols, and emulsions; the particles do not settle and cannot be separated out by ordinary filtering or centrifuging like those in a suspension.


Created with images by Robb North - "3 Gates" • A Girl With Tea - "White Gibson Teacup with Saucer" • jean-louis zimmermann - "periodic-table_social-media" • fdecomite - "Six Cubes Compound" • andrusdevelopment - "Summer Peach Cake" • Rennett Stowe - "I Am Beautiful No Matter What They Say" • Susonauta - "Suspension" • James St. John - "Precious opal (Shewa Province, Ethiopia) 9"

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