How to make glass? By Ashton ,oWaiN,aUtUmn and IZZY

Have you ever wondered where glass comes from?

Glass is made from sand 🏖

First sand is collected and taken to a glass factory.

Next sand ,soda ash and limestone are mixed together.

Then these ingredients are cooked together in a furnace at 1600 degrees celsius.

This makes

After that the liquid glass is poured onto liquid metal. The glass stays flat and floats on top.

Then it is left to cool.

If the glass is cooled to quick it might break.

Finally the glass is cut into pieces,

They mark a line on the glass, add pressure and the glass will break along the line.

Big machines move the pieces of glass and deliver them to customers.

To find out more information you can click the link below.


Created with images by Ozzy Delaney - "Glasses" • a loves dc - "sandy beach"

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