To save a life Daniel Hopkins

You will never see this type of sign in New Hampshire because adults are now required by law to wear a seatbelt.
Choosing to wear a seatbelt is sometimes a choice between life and death when it comes to car crashes.

Car accidents are the fourth leading cause of deaths in the U.S. behind heart attacks, cancer, and strokes.

Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for people aged 1 to 34.

If people used seat belts all the time, the fatality rate in car crashes would decrease by 50%.

The idea behind this law is to keep people safe in the car at all times.


Created with images by SmartSignBrooklyn - "Buckle up" • Matsen75 - "P1060722" • AMagill - "Firefighters" • milos milosevic - "Novak 8" • milos milosevic - "Novak 6 bw" • Quays News - "Boothstown car crash" • Piotrg255 - "accident auto crash" • VladArtist - "car accident broken glass splatter" • markusspiske - "fog road highway" • Traveloscopy - "Family drive holiday"

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