
stage 2 TERM 1 NEWSLETTER, 2019

welcome back to anzac park public school!

Teachers are excited to welcome all new and current students into Anzac Park and are looking forward to getting to know each one of your children individually, ensuring all students feel a sense of connectedness to school. The Stage 2 team have developed a range of dynamic and integrated learning experiences to foster 21st Century learning skills for all our students.

This term, Anzac Park will be using consistent concepts across K-6 while every class explores the Big Question, 'How did we come to be?' Below is an outline of the content Stage 2 will be examining this term.

Our Big Question for this term is "How did we come to be?"

Important Dates and Days

sport days

  • Year 3: Wednesday and Friday - students are to wear sports uniform on these days
  • Year 4: Monday and Friday - students are to wear sports uniform on these days

library days

  • Students in Periwinkle and Indigo are to bring library bags on Thursday
  • Students in Iris are to bring their library bags on Friday
Dates to remember
  • Monday 4 February: BYOD Cybersafety Day
  • Thursday 7 February: Meet the Teacher Night
  • Monday 11 February: BYOD Program begins 3-6
  • Wednesday 20 February: Swimming Carnival
  • Friday 22 February: Stage 2 Programs - Information Session
  • Friday 22 February: Welcome BBQ
  • Monday 1 - Friday 5 April: Student-led Conferences Week
  • Friday 12 April: Anzac Day Assembly


Concept - Point of View & Perspective

This term, Stage 2 students will explore the concept 'Point of View' and 'Perspective'. Point of view in a text is the position from which the subject matter of a text is designed to be perceived. Perspective is a lens through which we learn to see the world; it shapes what we see and the way we see it. Exploring point of view and perspective will allow students to explore other ways of seeing a text. Stage 2 will explore how authors use different points of view to show different perspectives and influence their audience.


Concept - Part-Part Whole

In Maths, students will be supported and challenged through differentiated tasks that provide concrete and abstract representations of content. In Term 1, we will be exploring strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division both with whole numbers and fractions. We will also examine mass, time and data. A number of projects will be completed to help students focus on the application of their learning.

For tips on supporting your child in numeracy, please visit the following links:


Concept - Change & Continuity

Stage 2 students will be exploring the concept of 'Change and Continuity' through discussing the importance of Country and Place to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples in the local area, as well as the role that people of diverse backgrounds have played in the development and character of the local community.


Concept - Perspective

Stage 2 students will be using elements of drama and visual arts to explore different artists' perspectives and communicate their own points of view through surrealism. We will identify different forms, materials and techniques in artworks and describe how these are employed to represent subject matter.


Concept - Change

In PDHPE, students will be exploring how an understanding of 'Change' can be used to improve performance and sportsmanship in various games. They will also look at social, physical and emotional changes that people experience as they grow, and research sources where they can seek help about health, safety and wellbeing

home learning

As well as independent reading, students will participate in literature circles for Home Learning. This will require students to read a set text and create an activity each week to share in their literature circle groups.

Every Stage 2 child should be reading for at least 25 minutes per night. This can include a mix of quality literature and school-set texts, and consist of parent reading, reading together and increased time spent on student independent reading. Parents who wish to support their child in developing comprehension skills, can use the information in the link below to support in the development of the Super Six Strategies: Connecting, Predicting, Questioning, Monitoring, Visualising, and Sumarising.

For more information on the Anzac Park PS Home Learning policy, please follow the link below:

byod apps

As well as the core learning apps shown on Anzac Park's BYOD Policy, we may once a term ask for additional apps to be downloaded which align with units for the term. Please download the apps shown below in time for BYOD programs starting in Week 3. All apps are free unless otherwise stated.

Should you have any further questions, please contact your child's key teacher or our Stage 2 Assistant Principal, Lydia Janabi: lydia.janabi@det.nsw.edu.au

we look forward to working with you and your child!

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