In a dynamic environment, players are eliminated in a gladiatorial arena. With each elimination, the environment changes and closes in, forcing players to confront each other after every death.

Eliminated players spectate, travel around the map, and enact changes in the environment while viewing the battles in VR cinematic perspective.

Hostile AI dinos also attack you and a player can disable and hot-wire them to become their ally, if needed.

Environment Example


Players fight in one circular level. The complex, inter-linked mechanical arena changes over the course of the match.

The High Ground can only be reached by using the weapon’s Blast mode. These areas provide strategic view, ambush points, and extra mobility.

The weapon’s Laser mode is able to reflect off the walls, allowing players to hit others with clever use of angles.

Another Environment Example


Players begin with their base weapon and a single weapons pick-up. They can stack the effects of the pick-ups throughout the match. Players can toggle through individual pick-ups, drop old ones, and find new ones if they wish.

All dinosaur (Players and AI) can Tail-whip, Claw, and Bite, along with their dinosaur specific Special Ability.

All players can switch their weapon between 2 Modes:

Basic Laser is long and thin. It’s able to reflect off of walls and when fired and held at a dino, it will peel away panels to reveal the power core and then kill the dino.

Basic Blast is a short and wide shot, applying force to where you aim it. When fired at the ground, it enables the player to reach the High Ground, destroy walls, and manipulate the environment.


System Heat: As a Player sprints, overuses their weapons and pick-ups, their system will overheat, causing their dino to be slower and do less damage.

System Heat Design Idea

Power Core: Is a source of the Player’s health.

The Power Core is protected by the Player's armor panels. When fired at repeatedly, the Power Core is vulnerable, allowing Players to quickly destroy them.

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