Bedtime Stories By Siddhi Bansal

In our still life unit, we learnt about different thought perspectives and we learnt shading. This website shows the photographs my group and I took which show our understanding of light sources, shading and shadows. Group Members: Manan and Sanjana

Theme: A five year girl's bedroom at night

Lighting: Right and left

Situation: Our situation was that there was a five-year old girl and it was bedtime. Nobody was at home other than her mom who had slept. She was all alone in her bedroom. Then, she started finding something to do. Soon she starts painting handprints and draws/colours. After it all got messy, she cleaned it up. Later she started reading books. Later, she started talking with her dolphin about her day, and felt sleepy. She removed her car and played with it for a while and then slept.

Background: Pink paper and handprints on the side

Objects: Soft Toys, Toy Car, Picture book, Pop-up book, Toy Phone, Color Pencils, Water Bottle

Analyzing objects in our photo

Now, I will talk about different objects in our photo and a bit about why we chose that particular photo. What does the write up include

- What is the picture about?

- How is the girl's personality shown through the object?

- How does the object relate to our situation?

- How the colours of the object resemble with the girl and the situation?

Image #1

This picture is a few colour pencils. In our final product, we had used colour pencils because we thought five-year olds like to be messy and like art. We also thought that toddlers like art colouring as it improving their visual interpretation skills. We used a different contrast of colours to show that the girl had a contrast of emotions and used colours according to her emotions. For example, if she was sleepy, she would colour her drawings green or blue as they are dreamy colours. If she was happy, she would use yellow, red, blue and pink. This shows that the girl has a mix of emotions.

Image #2

"Peppa Pig and The Fire Engine" by Neville Astley

This picture is a book called "Peppa Pig and The Fire Engine". We had put this book in our set as it matched with our story. The book/s were the most important as the books made the girl tired and sleepy. We specifically chose this book, as "Peppa Pig" the main character of this book, was designed to entertain age groups of 3+. As the girl in our story was 5 years, we thought this might be a great book for her to read. Also, this book shows the girl's personality. if she reads "Peppa Pig", it means she likes stories which involve small problems and some humour. She also likes animated characters who are unrealistic (for example, pigs cannot talk, but in "Peppa Pig", they talk). Therefore, this book shows a lot about the girl and her choices, which is the reason we chose this book.

Image #3

Teddy Bear; Lighting: Top, Left, Right (left to right)

These photos are all the same teddy bear. The teddy bear was important in our set as it shows that the girl likes soft toys. We thought that five-year olds like to play and talk to soft toys. This connects to our situation as the girl, towards the end, talks with her soft toys about her day. After thinking of all the activities done in the day, she feels sleepy. These pictures have three lighting angles; right, left and top. The teddy bear is pink, so it shows that the girl likes the colour pink and the way the picture is edited, the lighting is dull and septic, this shows that it is bedtime and dark, so the girl has switched on a torch. The teddy bear is smiling, showing the emotions that the girl has most of the time. When this teddy bear was bought, the girl thought about how she feels, and so she took the happy face. Therefore, this teddy bear is an important in our set as the colours, emotions, placing and the object itself is abstract and has it's own meaning.

Image #4

Spongebob Mobile

This picture is about a mobile. This mobile was important in our situation as the girl was very familiar with Spongebob and loved using phones. This phone was used by the girl when she was done with playing with all toys. She pretended to talk to her dad, her grandmother and her friend. This mobile shows the girl's personality as it shows that the girl likes spongebob and the colour yellow. The expression on the phone is bright, happy and excited, which is what the girl feels mostly (this relates to the teddy). This photo has been edited to look more septic, as we wanted to emphasize on the fact that the girl likes yellow. in all images so far, this image is the only one which is so bright and may not resemble with bedtime. However, this is a perfect image because the girl's emotions, personality and "who is she" is clearly conveyed through the colours and the tone of the picture.


Manan, Sanjana and Siddhi (me)

Sanjana, Siddhi, Manan (left to right)
Group Contributions

Siddhi (me): Photography, planning, getting objects (car and the "Peppa Pig" Book)

Sanjana: Photography, planning, getting objects (dolphin, teddy bear, pop-up book and the spongebob mobile)

Manan: Planning and a little bit of photography

Final Product
A five year old's bedroom

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