A Long Way Gone By: Lindsey dorsch & Celia Dutton

Sierra Leone borders the North Atlantic Ocean between Guinea and Liberia. It provides diamonds, rutile, bauxite, gold, iron, and limonite. Their government is a Presidential Republic.

The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) is a rebel army that fought and failed a ten year war in Sierra Leone. They used children to fight in their war because they were easily kidnapped. Their goal was to create equal opportunity and access to power to create wealth.

The war is Sierra Leone started in 1991 when RUF with support from NPFLintervened in Sierra Leone in an attempt to overthrow the Joseph Momoh government. Child soldiers were given alcohol and drugs during training. The girls in the RUf were subject to rape, and the boys carried heavy objects for the fighters.

Afghanistan, Iraq, and Mali also use child soldiers.


The United Nations takes extensive measures in combating the issue of child soldiers. They try and free as many children as they can.

Ishmael Beah went to Oberlin College. He wrote fiction so nobody would know exactly about him. Ishmael carried around tapes and the music reminded him of his innocence and it saved the boys from fear that they were child soldiers. Now, Ishmael is a human rights activist.

"Discovering Hip Hop" is about how to music influenced Ishmael and other people at Sierra Leone. As they would watch the white children listening to hip hop, he would learn from what they were doing and make it their own.

While watching "Child Soldiers" I learned that many children died in their first year of war due to lack of knowledge. Many children didn't know how to fight in battles, which led to many deaths among the children.

During "Sierra Leone's Cocaine-Drugged Child Soldiers" I learned that these children were tortured with drugs and alcohol. Also, they were forced to kill almost anybody. The children turned crazy, one says, "I saw people as humans."


Created with images by SEDACMaps - "Sierra Leone: Input Administrative Boundaries" • DVIDSHUB - "Winter Setting in, ISAF Troops Provide Comfort to Afghan Refugees [Image 4 of 4]" • The U.S. Army - "iraq" • The U.S. Army - "mali"

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