Peters Park Graffiti Art Wall South End, Boston, MA

Request For Support & Sponsorship

Dear Friend:

On March 1st 2017, we will launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for the Peters Park Graffiti Art Wall- a project that will replace an existing mural in the South End with a new, culturally rich and relevant design, while teaching inner-city youth painting techniques. As a business/ organization that clearly demonstrates an appreciation for community arts, we ask that you join us by donating contribution “perks” to the campaign, reaching a wide audience of supporters throughout the Boston area.

“From the Pyramids to Projects” | 2002 | Artists: Timmy “ZONE” Allen, Thomas “KWEST” Burns, Richard “DEME5” Gomez, Victor “MARKA27” Quiñonez, Rob “PROBLAK” Gibbs

Leading this campaign are renowned artists Victor “Marka27” Quiñonez (of Converse, M27 Designs & ALA Collective), Rob “Problak” Gibbs (Co-founder of Artists for Humanity, ALA Collective), City Lights Performing Arts School, Washington Gateway Main Street, Friends of Peters Park and Old Dover Neighborhood Association, with the support of the Boston Art Commission and Mayor Marty Walsh.

For three decades artists, community members, and inner-city youth have come to view the Peters Park Art Wall as a safe outlet for creative and cultural expression.

Your support makes a meaningful difference in the lives of youth, upcoming artists, and the South End community at large.

Our crowdfunding campaign aims to raise $12,000 to go towards materials and supplies, artist fees, youth stipend, and administrative fees. Our ability to maintain the cultural integrity of the Peters Park Art Wall moving forward and for years to come begins with your support! Here's how to help:

"Perks" include gift certificates for services or food valued at $50+

Donation of funds for supplies, artist fees, youth stipend. Monetary donations in any amount are appreciated and can be sent to Washington Gateway Main Street:

46 Waltham St., Suite 304A, Boston, MA 02118 (617) 542-1234

For more ways to become involved as a Sponsor, contact Washington Gateway Main St.

We hope that you will find it in your hearts and budget to support this project. If we can provide additional information to encourage consideration of our request, please feel free to contact us at or (646) 203-4549. THANK YOU!


Marka27, Problak, Boston City Lights, Washington Gateway Main Street, Friends of Peters Park & Old Dover Neighborhood Association

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