Japan Aniya brown

A Buddhist monument in the Hoyru-ji area.

Religious- When you visit Japan, you will see Buddhist monuments from the 7th and 8th centuries. These monuments are located in the Hoyru-ji area of Nara Prefecture. Buddhist monuments in this area have been dated all the way back to the introduction of Buddhism to Japan. You will also see Shinto temples. Shintoism and Buddhism are the two major religions of Japan. These religions are very important to the people of Japan, and they are two well respected religions.

Shinto temple
A Japanese emperor castle

Political- While in Japan, you will see castles that the emperors lived in. Japan has had many types of leaders. They've had emperors, shoguns, and daimyo. Emperors were one of the most common rulers in Japan. Samurais were found in Japanese military. The emperor was the figurehead of Japan. Next was shogun. After shogun was daimyo, the samurai. Then of course, peasants, and merchants. After the civil war in 1497, this feudal system got messed up. You will be able to see the ancient city of Kyoto, which served as the imperial capital up until the 19th century.

Japanese emperor
Japanese cherry blossom tree

Cultural- While in Japan, you will be able to see the famous cherry blossom tree. Cherry blossom trees symbolize the nature of life to Japanese people. You will also be able to see some of the earliest haiku written. A haiku is a Japanese form of poetry. This was developed during the Tokugawa Shogunate. The Tokugawa Shogunate was the last feudal Japanese military government. You will also see the scared sites and pilgrimage of the Kii Mountain Range. Paintings of more modern life emerged from the Tokugawa period. The Iwami Gizan Silver Mine located in the south-west part of the Honshu Island, is a cultural landscpae you will be able to see.

Japanese painting
Money to show wealth

Economic- When in Japan, you will see the ancient Nara Roads, which the Japansese people used to collect taxes more effcientely. Merchants were less important than peasants were. Once the Japanese economy sparked, and grew, the merchants grew as well. In 1543 Japan only traded with China. After that, the traded with European countries such as Portugal. The Potugese accidently washed upon shore in Japan, and they traded weaponry and other goods.


Created with images by Moyan_Brenn - "Japan" • mith17 - "Horyuji (法隆寺)" • MichaelGaida - "architecture asia building" • matt hutchinson - "Osaka Castle" • WikiImages - "emperor samurai warrior" • Hans - "flowers pink tree" • WikimediaImages - "japanese artwork picture" • Thomas's Pics - "money"

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