Ferrin Heritage Breck Ferrin

My Family

-Originally almost 100% of my family was Swedish (Ferrin)

-Ferrin means "handsome servant"

-Name taken from English servants

Swedish Culture

Language- Swedish people speak the Swish language. It is much like German or any European language.

Religion- Swedish people are known to be one of the least religious nations in the world. Only about 29% of them claim to be religious, but the people that are, are mostly Christians.

History- Sweden today is much different that it was many years ago. There nation started by Vikings. The Vikings used this area as a starting point for trading and traveling across the coasts Europe and Africa. The Swedish around that time, were a nation that used only hunting and gathering for there main supplies. They used sling-shots and rocks to kill most of there food. When the Stone Age for Sweden hit, iron became more valuable and there population and culture grew.

Daily life- Sweden is a very folk culture. Most of the country loves folk music and lives a farming lifestyle. They celebrate Christmas, Easter, and one called Midsummer and St Lucia's day. These are the longest and shortest days of the year. They have huge festivals to celebrate these days. Swedes have a unique food category, they love buffets. One of the most unique foods they have is smörgåsbord, very popular food.

Economy- Sweden has been known to be in one of the least in debt countries in the world, unlike the US. Sweden hasn't been this way forever, there currency the Swedish krona was devalued in the 80s and 90s but worked its way up until today. Sweden has a very diverse and easy working industry. It is easy to get a job there and their trade system is very successful.

Arts- Swedens music and architecture are very unique. They have a sort of "old farming in the countryside" kind of homes. They also love old music made by old instruments like the bagpipes.

Government- Swedens government is almost identical to ours. They have a democracy much like ours. They have different political parties just like us.

What is it looked at as

-Most people see Sweden as a folk country nation like Amish people.


Swedish pancakes- A classic Swedish dish that is amazing. My family even eats them regularly


Language- In Sweden, families and friends meet and talk about anything. It gets them talking about things they haven't and influences talking. They call this fika

Religeon- families get together and talk about anything. They will meet for religious reasons and influence the church or is a go good way to meet

History- Swedes love there coffee. They always have.

Daily life- once again the coffee is a big reason to meet and talk about life with anyone.

Economy- Swedes drink a lot of coffee so that brings in money for the coffee shops

Components of culture

Artifacts- Viking ships. They are a huge part of their culture and history

Mentifacts- Church- the main religion in Sweden is Christian.

Sociofact- Folk music- the swedes love to communicate through folk music


"Sweden." Culture of Sweden - History, People, Clothing, Traditions, Women, Beliefs, Food, Customs, Family. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

@swedense. "How Sweden Created a Model Economy." Sweden.se. N.p., 24 Sept. 2015. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

"Sweden." Everyculture.com. N.p., n.d. Web.

"Sweden Travel Guide." Adventure Tourism - Experiential Travel Guides. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

Created with images by flo_p - "Swedish Flag" • Allie_Caulfield - "2010-05-22 06-05 Schweden 0664 Öland" • Dun.can - "Countryside" • Maria Keays - "starbucks coffee" • Don McCullough - "Riddarholm"

Created By
Breck Ferrin


Created with images by flo_p - "Swedish Flag" • Allie_Caulfield - "2010-05-22 06-05 Schweden 0664 Öland" • Dun.can - "Countryside" • Maria Keays - "starbucks coffee" • Don McCullough - "Riddarholm"

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