Kat's reverse job ad Do you have what it takes?


- Committed to everything I undertake.

- An effective leader and coach. I am intuitive and know how to get the best out of other people.

- Looking to learn new skills and hone the ones I already enjoy using.


- Motivated by a huge salary, company cars etc. Just be someone I'm proud to work for.

- Willing to give up my personal life for my job.

- A lone wolf. I need to work as part of a team and know that I'm working towards a common goal.

- An idiot. I am far smarter than I might seem so please don't patronise me.


- Be a small to medium sized enterprise.

- Know your stuff. Make me feel confident that I'm working for, and learning from, the best in the industry.

- Pay me fairly for the job that I do. Don't make me feel stupid for asking for more money/rewards where I think its deserved.

- Be free from Office politics and corporate BS. I'm not interested in being a people pleaser (despite being very diplomatic) or playing games.

- Allow me to voice my opinion and listen to me. I want to be able to influence decisions and add value to your business. It's not in my nature to just 'keep my head down'.

- Be passionate about the work you do and be able to inspire me. If you don't love it - what makes you think I will?

- Have clear objectives and keep me up to date with our progress.

- Be fast paced. Make decisions quickly and explain the reasoning behind them. Keep me interested.

- Educate me. Consider my potential and invest time in my development.

- Have a fun, smart and enthusiastic team there already. Have a culture where the team WANT to have drinks in the pub, days out, or whatever else motivates them.

- Be flexible. If you're flexible with me and my time, then I will be flexible with you.

We're gonna get along?! then what are you waiting for?

Created By
Kat Atherton


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "sunrise sky blue"

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