AS90967 Ryan Lovey-Timote

Turbo Touch

Turbo Touch

Turbo touch rules

What is turbo touch ? Turbo touch is a sport played by 4-7 people and is a fast fun game.

Equipment needed? To play turbo touch you will need a rugby ball , 2 teams with about 5-7 players and cones.

The factor that influenced my participation today was to have fun and play a good but competitive game of turbo touch. Some positives for the day was it was a nice sunny day I help assist on some trys and scored as well. I think i played pretty good defense and my team won all the games we played on the day.

Self assessment: Merit

I gave my self this rating because overall our team did well and i had participation which lead to a good team performance.


What is volleyball? Volleyball is a sport played with about 1-7 players and is a fun and easy game.

Equipment needed? A volleyball and a volleyball net

The factor that influenced my participation today was that i had good participation and worked well as a team. It was also inside so the weather didn't have any affect on my performance.

Self assessment: Merit

I gave my self this rating because i played well on the day and had a big impact on getting my team points when needed.

Force down (Netball rules)

What is force down (netball rules)? Force down is a game played by 4-7 players and is a great game.

Equipment needed? To play force down (netball rules) you will need 2 large soft bags so that you can either jump on or dive on to score a point , you will need a netball ball and cones to mark out your outline.

Self assessment: Excellence

I gave myself this rating because i played a good game getting interceptions, blocks,assist and scoring as well. It was good because we played indoors so the weather had no effect on how i preformed. My team did well as we kept on scoring of my interceptions or blocks which lead to my team mates scoring.


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