Luke Land By luke collings

the seal of luke land

Our Motto:

"It's pretty chill."

Mission Statement:

In Luke Land, we try to live our lives with joy, achieve great things, and do good things. But above all, we aspire to be like Luke.

Citizenship Requirements:

  • To be a citizen of this community you must first pass a background check
  • You will then be given a personality test and interview, the purpose of this test is to make sure you don't totally suck and see if you will get along with the other members of our community
  • The few that pass that test will be tested to prove if they have any of the skills necessary to live and have a job in the community


  1. No killing people
  2. You have to work and contribute to the community
  3. Crack is wack
  4. You must live in the community full time, if you leave for an extended period of time you will be replaced with someone on the waiting list
  5. You may not quit your job
  6. just chill
  7. 2 people can not have the same name
  8. No homework
  9. Everything is free
  10. You have to obey all the rules


Some ski resort somewhere with a lake

A typical day in luke land

  • Breakfast is from 9:30 to 11:00
  • Kids go to school and adults work from 11:00 to 1:00, and 2:00 to 3:00
  • Lunch is from 1:00 to 2:00
  • From 3:00 to 6:30 you can do whatever you want. There are activities like waterskiing skiing, biking, music lessons, boating, and other fun stuff.
  • Dinner is from 6:30 to 8:00
  • You can do whatever you want for the rest of the night


I am the supreme ruler of Luke Land. Everyone else is equal and has no power. Everything is already decided so there is not much need for a government but if there are any important decisions, I make them.

Why you should live here

People in this community work less and have a lot of fun and free time. We don't let anyone that sucks in. There are no stupid government officials.

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