Photography Sierra Skorjanc P5

i took this picture in the woods with my own personal camera as well
I was in a car with my mom when i took this photo.
again on the same day as the first two, i was hiking with my personal camera
My class was painting with light. and so this is how my painting came out.
I took this in the snow and just edited it in photo shop thats my bird in the picture
i took this at my school and edited it in photoshop
A friend of mine took this photo of me but i made it into photoshop and edited it to my liking
ive done all of these while driving with my mom
i took this while driving to astoria warrenton

The reason I do photography is because well I've always been artistic, and I'm the only one in my family out of my cousins that is. Most are just into sports, so I was always the outcast to it. I went to art when I was really young because ever since then I was bullied and it was how I got away from everything, I love my art because its how I can express myself without saying anything and fearing it will get me into a bad situation. It how I release everything whether i'm drawing, writing or my photography. It's something no one really has to tell me to do, whether I be editing it or just taking it.

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