The Best of What Canada Has To Offer By: Melissa chitti

Famous Canadian attractions include Parliament Hill, CNE, the CN Tower (located in Toronto), Niagara Falls, and Canada's Wonderland.

One amazing thing about Canada is all the amazing attractions it has to offer. The attractions listed above are the ones that I myself have visited but there's also many more out of Ontario that tourists go to. Some attractions out side of Ontario include the Rocky Mountains, Banff National Park, and the Rideau Canal. These attractions are popular due to scenery, merchandise being sold there, and activites you can participate in.

Famous People
Famous people that were born and raised in Canada include Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, Ryan Gosling, Ramriddlz, and Drake.

Another great thing about Canada is the variety of talented people that grew up here. One of my favourite artists are Ramriddlz because he makes really good music so it's really cool that he's from Ontario. There are multiple actors, artists, etc that are from Canada that have grown into icons and an inspiration to people everywhere. Drake is another example of a really popular artist from Canada (Toronto) that now inspires people all over the world and not just Canada. Canada has been home to many of our now loved celebrities.

Maple syrup and poutine are famous foods that originated from Canada. Tim Hortons is a popular Canadian fast food restaurant chain.

Poutine is loved by everyone everywhere but it originated from Canadians, so did maple syrup. The sweet liquid that we like to pour over our pancakes in the morning was indeed invented by Canadians. Tim Hortons is also an example of Canadians making an impact on the food topic because it's a very popular fast food restaurant chain that isn't found everywhere in the world. Even though there are little to no Tim Hortons' in America, Canada is covered in them and we don't blame anyone because we love Tim Hortons.


Created with images by scazon - "Flag of Canada" • Roller Coaster Philosophy - "Canada's Wonderland 004"

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