Resurrection be reborn and activate the new earth

Into the Mythica

Myth of Joshua Faust - April 15-18

under construction

A journey into the land with avatars of the emerging paradigm. Following the grid work of the sand dunes to activate the Codes of the New Earth, Anthony, Ashleigh and I embark on a journey to a gathering of the emergent paradigm called Resurrection. It is leading up to Easter, and the mythos of the resurrection of the Christ is thick. The power of our ceremonies have been building up to this point...and we come to find we are not alone.

Joshua Faust (Yeshua) - Anthony Benton - Ashleigh Renee

We are traveling through the far reaches of the valley and begin to go into a deep session of invocation and prayer. I call upon the Grace of the all that is and the universal divine intelligence, and pray for guidance in this journey we are embarking on. Ashleigh sings a song of the ancients, a Lemurian song....

A hawk sweeps in front of the truck and I swerve as I can to avoid it. It passes by to the right, yet flips back around and slams into the front of the seemed as though it had offered itself to us. It could have continued on, yet it switched directions. I stop the truck, and we search the side of the road for its body.

Anthony comes to it and call for us. We find that it is still breathing. We offer our care, and I my apologies. We treat it with great respect. Ashleigh suggests that we wrap it and bring it with us to Resurrection, and Anthony does the honors. In solemn reverence we continue on. Ashleigh is greatly affected and emotional.

We arrive to the parking lot of the gathering, and there is a serious gravity about us. The participants are gathered, the air cheerful as old friends greet one another and new ones are met. Yet, we come. and the hawk is laid down upon the earth carefully. Kim Doyle comes to us. She is in total peace and acceptance. "It offered Itself to us."

Kim Doyle of Life in Perfect Balance and Lindsay Semilla of the Sphere Foundation

Lindsay Semilla follows behind her, reaffirming in her own countenance the same acceptance. In her words she treats it like a blessing. We all come to, that the hawk is an omen for the process of death and rebirth...the very theme of this retreat. Quite a way to set the tone.

Suddenly, I remember that on the way, before we had the hawk had come, I had pulled an animal spirit card for divination. It was the Hawk. A realmsign. I go and pull the card from the truck.

"Horus - Spirit of the Hawk" by Susan Seddon Boulet, featured in Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards deck

We continue to pray with the hawk, bringing it to the edge of the land, away from all the people, so that she may pass peacefully. In reverence she passes, and there is joy in some, and tears in others. Jeff, a caretaker and guardian of the Land of Joyful Journey, offers to steward the hawk and parcel its medicine in a sacred way.

the hawk of death and rebirth

We come to understand that the hawk is to be a part of the ceremony...that it has offered itself to affirm our sacred intention and collective destiny.

Day One at Joyful Journey - Building of the Labyrinth

There is a collective movement into the building of the labyrinth, guided by Lindsay in her bright function as facilitator. In joy, we gather in ceremony and shared purpose to construct an stone embodiment of our collective intention. In the the laying out of each stone I feel us all working together, in a noble function, honoring the elements and creating something more subtle than meets the eye.

the sacred labyrinth

It is a sacred labyrinth, laid with twelve rings, which is significant to the models of synergistic community that are arising based on the twelve, along with Christ and the twelve disciples. This geomantic labyrinth is to facilitate the movement into Heaven on Earth, as part of our shared Awakening.

Day Two - Decent Into the Underworld

Jucifer, the Gem King

A collective altar is co-created, with the help of Jucifer, the Gem King. All manner and array of beautiful gem and jewel is brought by him, as his bright function, to facilitate the redeemed relationship with the elements of the Earth, the subtle arts of relating to crystals for healing and reatunement.

the collective altar co-creation

(Painting on right by Lindsay Semilla)

The altar exalts the elements and the archetypes, which is common theme on the roads back to Heaven on Earth, individually and collectively. In the depths of the Mythica, as we are honoring the various aspects of our Self, we move deeper into a more redeemed, exalted and magickal relationship with Creation. We come into greater contact with Elements of the Essential Self.

The Burial

In accordance with the shared intention we have divined, we agree to bury the hawk on the day of the decent into the underworld, as it arrived as a totem of death, healing and rebirth. As was visioned by Lindsay and Kim prior to the ceremony, in the planning stages, today would be a day of death and rebirth, individually and collectively, as we die to what no longer serves us and embrace the Grace, the New, that wishes to come through us.

As Anthony, Ashleigh and I arrive the others are already walking in solemn prayer towards the center of the labyrinth, mindful of each step. The hawk is wrapped and prepared for the ceremony, and Ashleigh has chosen to be its steward to the underworld. I follow behind her as the last one to follow upon the stone lay of our shared destiny.

The hawk offers us an opportunity to honor death itself, as we collectively release what is ready to be let go of. At the same time, we honor its life, our life, and all of life through its sacrifice, as a totem of rebirth. This teaches us to be in a more sacred relationship with the unfolding creation. This teaches us to respond to the everyday happenings with a more visceral response, to choose to honor Life. It is a humbling and exalted experience.

Deeper We Descend

A break is had after the ceremony, and we reconvene for the yogas, holotropic breath-work and later a sound healing session with Rootflute. This is a collective movement into the realms of healing, as we work with the breath and the body guided by Kim Doyle and Lindsay Semilla.

Day Three - Easter - The Resurrection

We arrive to walk the sacred labyrinth, in honor of the day of Resurrection. It is a collective prayer walk along the grid of stone and rock that channel the lay of the land into sacred configuration. It is our collective intention, guided by Linsday and Kim, to be reborn into our highest aspects, as we have died to what no longer serves us...

Lindsay Semilla is a Guardian of the Gateway, of the path to Heaven on Earth. She greets each one of us, and cleanses us with Sage. I can see the brightness in her eyes, choosing to see the best in each divine reflection, while holding space for the darkness to cleanse and pass away.

On the Surface appears a walk through a labyrinth

On the subtle appears the paths back to Heaven on Earth (subtle pic here)


Anthony, deep in prayer with the feather of the Hawk. In the medicine card it read, "Native Americans associate the hawk with potent magic, and use its feathers in healing rituals and in ceremonies to bring rain."

Jeff arrives last to take the prayer walk to the center of the labyrinth with an angel statue. Divinely appropriate to the occasion of Resurrection. Delivering the symbol of the angelic realms to the center of the holy structure.

Kim Doyle as the Angel and Avian she is, a way-shower into the realms of rebirth, of collective healing and evolution. (show surface and subtle)

The Ceremony continues in the center of the circle, in shared celebration of healing and rebirth.

It was in depth of prayer and collective ceremony that we came together to initiate this process, guided by the bright leadership of Kim and Lindsay. On this day of Resurrection, we collectively align ourselves with the Grace which wishes to come through us, after a cleansing on the deepest of levels.

I see now, in the subtle realms of the Mythica, that we collectively represent an archetypal movement deeper into healing, and rebirth...into right relationship with the Self, each other, and the Sacred Land. This is the journey to Heaven on Earth. We embody the Avatars of the Emerging Paradigm. That which we heal in ourselves, we heal in the whole. For all of our relations.

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