Bombers By: Benjamin Allen

The B-17 Flying fortress was active during World War II, and served as the USA's main heavy bomber for most of the war, but it was soon replaced. The B-17 could fly at up to 318 MPH at full throttle, but it's cruising speed was around 160 MPH. The B-17 could fly up to 30,000 feet, and could usually fly 2,000 miles with 6,000 Lbs. of bombs. The B-17 had an armament of 11 defensive 50 caliber machine guns mounted all over the airplane, and at maximum could carry 17,600 Lbs. of bombs. The largest bombs ever carried by B-17s was 2,000 Lbs.
The B-17 had a wingspan of 104 ft, was 74 feet long, and had radial engines.
This is a B-29 Superfortress. The Superfortress served during the latter portion of World War II, as it replaced the B-17. The B-29 was the bomber which dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It had a wingspan of 141 ft, and 99 feet long. It had a top speed of 357 mph, and range of 5,592 Miles.
The B-29 was powered by four Wright R-3350 Duplex-cyclone engines.
The B-52 Stratofortress is still in service today, so there will still be some undisclosed information about the B-52. The wingspan is 185 feet, and is 159 feet long. It was introduced in February,1955. It has a top speed of 644 mph, and is powered by eight Pratt & Witney JT3Ds
Works Cited B-17 Dropping Bombs. Digital image. Web. B-17 on Ground. Digital image. Web. B-29 Dropping Bombs. Digital image. Web. B-29 with Bombs. Digital image. Web. B-52 Dropping Bombs. Digital image. Web. B-52 with Bombs. Digital image. Web.

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