Florida Museum of Natural History by: kylee wiemer

Nature on Display

The butterfly exhibit was my favorite part of the museum. It not only showed real live cocoons and the process of them turning into a butterfly, but also told the background story of how they got here. There was a station next to the butterflies set up to talk about the butterfly farms and how they were shipped from around the world. It was very neat and informative.

Nature and Ethics

The underwater exhibit was very intriguing and magnified the sea creatures and environment 12 times life size. This made me realize that even the smallest things in life are very important and beautiful. I felt as though throughout life, people focus too much on the big picture and don't take time to enjoy the little things. It was very eye opening to see everything magnified and made me wonder what else I had missed in life because I wasn't looking hard enough.

Nature and the Human Spirit

The Natural History museum helped me step out of my comfort zone and realize that there is so much of the world that I have yet to explore. Seeing these different cultures and ways of life made me want to experience more throughout my own life. It made me aware of the fact that I am very content with my way of life, but also that it is a great time to go out and explore things that I never would have before. In order to achieve the good life, you have to go out and chase after what you want.

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