Monday, December 5th, had the Middle Schoolers holding a Socratic seminar. Socratic seminars are sessions where the Middle Schoolers are given a reading that is typically about something relevant in our community or in life. We bring at least one question or comment to the discussion, and we share our thoughts on the topic. In the past, we have met on topics such as “Grades or No Grades,” “Education on Peace” by Maria Montessori, and an article by Albert Einstein. At this event, we opened our seminar to 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade parents. This specific seminar was about the use of social media by teenagers and our take on the whole debate.

We explored a variety of topics such as the pros, the cons, and just the whole topic in general. We talked about how the internet has impacted our lives whether we wanted it to or not. We talked for about half an hour before we had to wrap up the meeting. We then opened up our circle to the parents so they were able to ask questions. After, we were served some delectable cake homemade by Mrs. Aspinall herself. Overall, it was an incredible experience that was completely worth attending.

On Wednesday, December 7th, the Middle Schoolers gave their second Humanities presentations. We performed in various kinds of creative ways. Some of the projects people have done consisted of powerpoints, skits, art projects, and even a text message dialogue. These presentations were based on the Revolutionary War or on people that played a big part in the war. It is very interesting to see everyone's great ideas come together. For example, Amelia and Francesca researched Alexander Hamilton’s life. They showed us in a skit/youtube format. Oliver did a stop motion video on the Battle of Monmouth, and Emma showed us a Venn diagram comparing the French and the American Revolutions. We love doing projects like these, and they stretch our creative minds.

Anjan’s (Maybe Random) Winter Believe-It-Or-Not Facts: Winter/Holiday Edition

Most snowfall in 24 hours - The most snowfall in 24 hours occurred in Silver Lake, Colorado. A whopping 95 inches of snowfall fell in the 24-hour storm!

Tallest Christmas tree - At an incredible height of 161 feet, this record-holding grand fir is the tallest living Christmas tree in America. It's so huge that the star on top is itself 10 feet tall. This tree is located in New York, New York - just next to the Rockefeller center.

Most lights on a Christmas tree - The record for the most lights lit simultaneously on a Christmas tree is 150,000 lights, just outside the Cologne Cathedral in Germany.

Warmest winter on record (in America) - 2014-15’s winter was the warmest on record, with an average temperature of 30.3º Fahrenheit.

Coldest winter on record (in America) - 1935-36’s winter was the coldest on record, with an average temperature of 10.7º Fahrenheit. Ironically, the following summer was one of the hottest summers on record.

Important Dates

December 14 - Winter Concert 6:30pm - 7:30pm

December 15 - Holiday Tea (For Students Only) 9:30am-12:00am

December 16 - Holiday Bazaar (For Students Only) 8:30am - 12:00pm

December 23 - Winter Break

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