Youth of the North

In light of the events in Attawapiskat, a group of students and staff members from Ecole Secondaire Cochrane High School decided to do something to show their support for the youth in this community. Since the beginning of May, donations were collected, items were purchased, and mindful bottles were made in order to create a hope box for the Grades 7-12 youth of Attawapiskat. We also put together care packages for the younger students. This slideshow chronicles our journey.

Volunteers worked together to put together mindful bottles.

The Cochrane Public School Gr. 8's contributed "Messages in a Bottle".

We went shopping for items for the shoeboxes.

We worked together to begin the assembly process.

The organizing group in front of the packed boxes.

At the end of the process, we shared a meal!

Preparing to ship the boxes.

The Youth of the North being interviewed by MCTV.

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