Orbiting Jupiter By lilli b. palmer

Orbiting Jupiter is an amazing novel about a young boy that goes far and wide trying to find his baby girl Jupiter. He is a foster kid. He never got to see is baby girl except in a picture. He had Jupiter with the love of his life Madeline, but sadly she passed away during the birth of Jupiter. Joseph and Madeline was 13 years old when they has Jupiter. He was beaten by his father as a kid and his father and Joseph was forced to sign Jupiter off for adoption (mainly Joseph was forced). Jack is his new foster brother. His mother and father took Joseph in on there farm. Joseph had a hard time getting families because of his hard past. He went to jail because of Madeline's parents. They charged him. Which I think is wrong, But he did. They didn't have to read much to know they would love him.

If this seems good to you I think you should read it because it is very inspiring and thoughtful and amazing.

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