Coast to coast By: Grant Watson

National Holocaust Museum Washington D.C

The National Holocaust Museum is located in Washington D.C. In 1978 President Jimmy Carter established the President's Commission on the holocaust. The commission later sent a report to Jimmy Carter requesting a national holocaust landmark/museum be built. It was an establishment to remember the 6 million Jews and other victims who were killed during the holocaust. It was also to provide documentation, study, and interpretation of the Holocaust. They decided to build the landmark on 1.9 acres of land adjacent from the National Mall of Washington.The museum contains 8 exhibits including The Holocaust, Collaboration and Complicity in the Holocaust, Cambodia, Remember the children's story, “I want justice”, A dangerous lie, The threat continues, and a real time conversation with people forced to flee violence.

Expenses: Admission: Cost if free to the museum. Is a 9 mile drive from Union Station. Cab Fee: $14.51 Hotel: Club Quarter Hotel is $107 a night. Train Ticket from Baltimore to D.C is $54 for 2 adults and 2 kids.

USS Cod Submarine Memorial Cleveland, Ohio


The USS Cod is a military submarine built with a 5 diesel engine. It was launched on March 21, 1943 and was commissioned on June 21, 1943 with Commander James C. Dempsey. The Cod arrived in Brisbane, Australia for its first war patrol. Twenty days later it was near the South China Sea and spotted its first targets. The Cod had a total of 7 patrols while it was in use. Sinking a little over 12 vessels. Cod sailed home on August 31 arriving in New London. In 1951 it was commissioned again for anti-submarine training exercises during the Cold War. In 1954 it was decommissioned and put in reserve. In 1976 the Navy gave the CCC the USS cod as a floating memorial. It opened for tours in May of 1976 and is now known as a floating memorial.

Expenses: Admission to memorial Adults:$12 and Youths are $7. It is a 4 minute drive from Cleveland Lakefront Station. Train ticket cost from D.C to Cleveland is $210. Cab Fee is $6.43 Hotel: Residence Inn at $139 a night.

National World War 1 Museum and Memorial

WWl Museum and Memorial

The National World War 1 memorial and museum is located in Kansas City, Missouri .Soon after World War 1 the Liberty Memorial Association (LMA) built a monument to honor the men and women who served in WW1. The LMA and the citizens of Kansas City raised $2.4 million to build the memorial. Over time the structure of the liberty memorial started to deteriorate. In 1998 they passed a limited run sales tax to raise money to renovate the memorial. Plan also took place to expand the site by building a museum to showcase WW1 related objects and the history of it. They later raised $102 million from the the city and the U.S government to build a museum. The museum is a 80,000 sq foot building with many exhibits on WW1

Expenses:Admissions: Adults $16 and Youth is $10 Train ticket from Cleveland to Kansas City, MO is $723. Hotel:Fairfield Inn Kansas City at $109 per night. Cab fee is $8.20.

Walnut Canyon National Monument

Walnut Canyon Memorial is located in Flag Staff, Arizona. The Sinagua a pre-Colombian cultural group established a settlement inside the canyon from 1100 to 1250 CE. The canyon is known for its limestone walls and its 387 types of plant life inside the canyon. Walnut Canyon was proclaimed a national monument in 1915 by President Woodrow Wilson to preserve ancient dwellings. There are several trails around the monument so you can get a close up view of the ancient dwellings.

Expenses: Fee to get into the park is $32.00 for four people. Train Ticket from Kansas City to Flag Staff is $441.00. Hotel: Double Tree in Flag Staff is $119 a night.

Train ticket cost from Flagstaff to Los Angeles is $276 Hotel: Four Points Hotel in LA is $100 a night. Total Cost of the trip is $2429


Created with images by David Paul Ohmer - "Cincinnati – Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum "Civil War Canon"" • bernswaelz - "tombstone faith customs" • xiquinhosilva - "02163-Holocaust-Memorial-Museum" • #adamtasimages - "One way track" • paurian - "United States Holocaust Museum Entrance Gate" • Elfboy - "USS Cod" • Grimm Pics - "ussCOD2" • Elfboy - "USS Cod" • - "ib0600.JPG"

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