Properties of Water Matthew eggleston

Water is also known as H2O, meaning it has 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom. Water has many different properties which include, surface tension, cohesion, adhesion, and polarity.

Many H20 molecules combining into hydrogen bonds.

Water is a Polar Molecule. The oxygen atom is bigger than the hydrogen atoms. Polar has 2 ends like a magnet. A positive and a negative. In water the Oxygen is the negative, and the Hydrogen is the positive. The Oxygen side of the molecule is negative (-) and Hydrogen side of the molecule is positive (+).

Hydrogen Bonds are the connections between different water molecules.

Cohesion is the attraction between molecules of the same substance. An example of Cohesion is water because Hydrogen Bonds hold the molecules together. The Cohesion of water molecules creates a Surface Tension.

Surface Tension is the property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesive nature of the water molecules.

Adhesion is the attraction of molecules of different substances.

Water loves to stick to different substances.

Two real world examples of the properties of water are Adhesion and Cohesion. An example of Adhesion in real life is a water drop being stuck to the end of the pine needle. An example of Cohesion in real life is water climbing up a paper towel that has been dipped into a glass of water.

Created By
Matt Eggleston


Created with images by clondike7 - "Water" • PSC1121-GO - "Mundy2"

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