Pink Shirt Day! by: RAYVEN, CREDITED BY:

Every thing about pink shirt day that you need to know!

Bullying is such a major problem in school or anywhere, however on Feb 22 Wednesday, 2017 we all families wear pink shirt day to stop the neglecting and bullying. We celebrate pink shirt day becuase its started of with a kid wearing pink, however he was getting bullied by grade 9 just because he's wearing pink. Although someone stood up for the fragile kid and then it stopped? Likewise while his teacher was buying 50 pink shirt, by next morning all they were all dragging and pulling the shirt at school, then as he walks in he was speechless. Finally he doesn't have to worry about it or feel responsible for it anymore. Although the bullies are now gone for good. Thats why we all wear pink on Wednesday 22 because it is critical for us to wear pink shirt.

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