What Is Good Food To Me And My Dog We believe that good food is food that is not processed, it has to have good nutritional value, consist of some type of VEGETABLES, and also a meat for the protein!

Good food comes from a farm that is organic and does not use preservatives and hormones and just lets things grow on their own!
good food to me is when the animal has a very fast death without pain and suffering.
Good food is when it is grown without the bad preservatives in it. It should grow all natural. It shouldn't be packaged and dried out it should be fresh!
Good food to me is a Big steak dinner! with some Vegetables on the side!
Good food to me is when you can sit down and have dinner with your family. Good food is having a home cooked meal!
Good food to me is a Acai bowl but you can only get this good food in Maui Hawaii!
good food to me is having buffalo wings! with celery on the side for the vegetable.
Good food to me is when you have a home cooked soup! Not from a can!
Good food to me is making a salad with our own home grown vegetables and then a piece of salmon on top for the protein!

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