M.Riggs Art 1

This is my beginning photo of my artist training cards. What I have learned about these training cards are that there is a lot more to art than I thought. Like Elements of Design and Principles of Art.
This is a progress photo of one of my artist training cards. I used one of the Elements of design. I used proportion to decide how big I should make the top of the mushroom. The stem is tilting a little though. This is a mushroom that survived a lawnmower's blades while it was running.
This is the last photo of my finished training cards. My favorite one is the one with the yellow underneath my fingers. I like it because it has the yellow sun drop I call it. I call it that is because it looks like the sun dropped some yellow. The blue represents the ocean because the sun dropped it on Earth. The weird pinkish color is the color of the Earth after the yellow touched the Earth.
Created By
Matt Riggs

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