Snails Animal allies 2017

The good things of snails

  • Snails provide food for all sorts of mammals, birds, worms, earthworms and insects. They are part of the natural balance.
  • Snails are also eaten as an appetizer in France and snails are called escargot. Escargot is the French word for snails.
  • Snail slime is full of nutrients (which includes hyaluronic acid, glycoprotein, proteoglycans, antimicrobial and copper peptides) all of which are commonly used in beauty products and proven to be great for the skin.
  • Snail spas are quite popular in Asian countries, especially in Thailand. During the spa session, living snails are put on the clients face and left to slither around because the slime is good for the skin. But these snails used are professionally grown and the snail slime is professionally purified so don't just go hunt for snails and put them on your face or any of your other body part.

Habitats on Snails

  • Snails live in diverse habitats. Some live in deserts or mountainous areas but most snails live in areas where there are humans. Snail species are quite abundant with thousands of them out there not all of them are land snails although most of them are. If you are looking for snails, you will most likely find them when the weather is humid so basically when its cloudy or nighttime.

Snail Species

  • Burgundy Snail
  • Cornu aspersum
  • Scutalus
  • Decollate snail
  • Neverita didyma
  • Monachoides vicinus
  • Cerithium echinatum
  • Clypeomorus batillariaeformis

What do snails eat

  • Land Snails enjoy eating plants, fungi and algae. They naturally congregate in fields and grassy areas. Provide a land snail with vegetables such as lettuce, cucumbers or carrots and the snail will most likely eat it, snails will also eat fruits and soft barks.

The snails shell

The first shell of a snail is called the protoconch, it grows with the snails as the animal mantle. An organ lines the shell and releases new shell material that expands the shell before hardening, The shell the snail was born with becomes the center of the spiral.

What family is the snail from

  • Snails are members of the class Gastropoda, phylum mollusca so they are not formally considered bugs. Informally however, bugs are considered to include all land invertebrates, in this sense, land snails are included.

Bad things of snails

  • If you have a garden of vegetables and fruit, snails will be one of your worst nightmares because they will just eat and excrete your vegetables and fruits.

The life cycle of a Snail

  • The snail is able to self reproduce by itself so Life cycle of snails starts from the snail just being eggs and goes through incubation period which is around 7-14 days and then turns into hatchlings. After they turn into hatchlings, for another 15-25 days they turn into young adults then for another 45-59 days the snail will turn into a sexually mature adult. Now after the snail has turned into a sexually mature adult, the snail will go into the reproductive period which will be in about 60 days to 3 years. After they have finished their reproductive period the life cycle of the snail will restart.

How long does a snail live for

  • The usual life span of a snail is approximately 10 to 15 years in captivity. But it is believed that some species of snails can live u to 25 years in captivity. However in the wild, the lifespan of a snail will vary from different species but the range of a snail ranges from 2-3 years in some cases to 5-7 years for some other types of land snails.

The snails speed

  • The snail moves at a speed of 0.047 km per hour. When the snails move the slime that is left behind acts as a lubricant to reduce friction against the surface. That is why a snail is able to move upside down and around corners.

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