Lamplure Linophryne Pseudoautoluci

Basic Information

The lamplure, or Linophryne Pseudoautoluci, is a species which resembles closely to an angler fish. It's scientific name means false self created light, this name comes from the lamplure's head light, which is not actually used to create light, but rather to lure in prey. A lamplure is on average 2 to 3 feet in length, but despite it's size in length can weigh up to 120 pounds. This fish is a dark blue or black with a brightly colored band around it's body which is usually either red, yellow, or orange in order to look hostile if a predator sees it from the front. It also has a "false light" on it's head which resembles that of a female angler, this light, however, does not produce any light at all and is used as a lure in searching for prey. Lamplures use their back fins to produce a light rather than the light on it's head, as well as to propel themselves through to ocean, hense the lamplure being nektonic.

Oceanic Zones and Location

The lamplure is found in the Pelagic Zone of the ocean, as this zone is all of the ocean supporting life of all sorts. This deep sea creature can also be found in the Oceanic Zone, relatively farther away than most of oceanic life, and far away from the shorelines of any continent, this results in the lamplure being a very self reliant species and not involving in any interspecific relationships. The lamplure is seen in the Disphotic, or Twilight, Zone as well, this is a great location for this creature as it has a bioluminescent ability to aid it in the lowly lit oceanic zone. The species is also suited for the Bathypelagic Zone, which contains the same requirements of life as the Disphotic zone, and is limited to this depth of the ocean. The lamplure is most commonly found in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, but can be seen scarcely in the waters of the Antarctic.

Survival Tactics

A lamplure flashing it's light into the eyes of a squid in order to scare it off.

The lamplure uses it's features in order to become a strong predator in the darkness of the Twilight Zone. In order to find food, a lamplure will flash it's back lights in order to create an attraction to a male angler looking to mate nearby, once this fish comes to see the dangling false light overhead of the lamplure, it will recognize it as a female and attempt to reproduce. However, it soon becomes too late for the angler fish and is snatched up by the jaws of it's predator. When it is not angler mating season however, this predator will flash it's hind lights in hopes of finding a different food source, as a result of relying heavily on the angler for it's food source, the lamplure has adapted storing a lot of energy for future use after it's hunting season. The lamplure also uses it's hind lights to distract a predator when it approaches from behind, flashing them directly into the eyes of the threat. Some of the most common predators of the lamplure are squid, barracuda, and sperm whales. The male of the species finds a mate by flashing it's hind lights along side a mating call which attracts females to them. A lamplure respirates through gills on it's colored stripes, as they are located in the Disphotic Zone, it has adapted over time to require less and less oxygen.

Created By
Martin McCarthy

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