soccer By Cale Budesilich

I'm going to teach you five things about soccer . First i'm going to tell you how to dribble. The first thing is get a soccer ball and put the ball in front of your feet and lightly tap the ball from left to right. Keep doing this for a while and you will be OK at dribbling. Next is the gear you'll need. First you'll need cleats, shinguard's, long socks, and if your on a soccer team then you'll need proper clothing. Third, how to pass, First get a soccer ball and get someone to pass to then kick the ball with the inside of your foot just hard enough to make it to the person. Fourth, how to shoot, first set up the soccer ball where you like then make sure your hips are square with the ball then when ready run at the ball and kick it where your laces tie. Last, how to block a goal, get goal gloves and stand in the goal, then have someone kick the ball and to block it catch or hit the ball in the air. There's five things about soccer

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