Snow Day Hockey part 1 Peter

Chapter 1

One day, in New York, I was in my room, looking out the window. There was a thick blanket of snow in Times Square. I had listened to my pocket radio all morning, hoping that the announcer said, " Now for the information on which schools will be closing." I hope they will say the area around Times Square.
"Eric! Come downstairs! Fast! They're talking about school closings!" I raced downstairs, hoping they would say my county. "The Buffalo school district is closed" the announcer said as soon as I came down.

Chapter 2

I shouted with excitement, and dashed upstairs, putting on my snow things. "My friends said yesterday that we would meet at Lake Erie and we would play hockey!" I yelled,down the stairs. I grabbed my puck and stick and said, "See you later", dashing out the door.
When I arrived, the group was already there. "Hey! You ready?" My friends, John, Sam, Landon, Michael, and Joey nodded. "Three versus three?" John asked. "Two in at a time for each team." He finished. I was captain, and so was Sam. " Joey." I said, gesturing to him.

Chapter 3

"Michael." Sam said. I froze. Michael was Joey's rival, so this was going to be good. "John." I chuckled, since I had left Landon, who stank at every position, for Sam. "Sorry." I shrugged.
"Ready... Start!" My team got the puck. "John! Over here!" John passed to me. Landon was at the goal. "He shoots..." I started. Landon dove for it, but missed. "He scores!" I finished. "Wait, Eric, there's a blizzard coming! We should leave!" John warned. Little did we know this was the start of the Great Depression.


Created with images by kachi - "winter landscape snow" • congerdesign - "winter snow bank" • ewirz - "breithorn alpine valais" • Unsplash - "house snow buried" • skeeze - "ice hockey players pass" • skeeze - "ice hockey goalie goal" • skeeze - "ice hockey goalie goal"

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