My Mission Statement By:Cassie suydam

I have had many people influence my life. My family has been a big part of that.
My brother and I have been together forever and I am so proud of him. This little girl is my mini me. She looks up to me and I admire that. And I try to be the best I can be for her. My mother has taught me to be kind. And to always understand. My Father has taught me to always be strong, no matter what the situation.
I started dance 4 years ago, and ever since I have been hooked. Dance is my passion.
I am at my best when I am with my friends.
My mission is to be someone who people can rely on. And someone who everyone knows as a genuine and good person. My mission is to be someone who knows everybody and someone that everyone knows that I would do anything to help them.
My plan is to go to college and become a pharmacist and raise a family. And that is my mission :)

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