Reflections of Philosophy Dann Seol

Unit 1
January 19th:


What are you exited about? What are you worried or concerned about.


Learning how to think philosophically and argue with a broader state of mind. I have no current concerns as of now.


What do you think the phrase, "the unexamined life is not worth living" means?


Life isn't worth living if there isn't anyone along side you throughout it or if no one is there to see your accomplishments and ahcievdments, what is the purpose of life?

January 20th


Read through the Ten Commandments of Philosophy. Then in your journal, rewrite the Ten Commandments in your own words and how they apply to you. (Don't write a paragraph for each one; a simple phrase or statement is fine).


Commandment 1 of Philosophy: Question everything about the wonders of life. Allow it to be flourishing in your life.

Commandment 2 of Philosophy: Be skeptical of everything. Doubt or question everything until the facts prove you wrong. Don't fear to be wrong and go with your gut.

Commandment 3 of Philosophy: Embrace the truth. The truth is what guides us through life.

Commandment 4 of Philosophy: Look at the individual parts of every problem and analyze them carefully.

Commandment 5 of Philosophy: Collect your ideas and build constructive and coherent arguments for a theory or idea.

Commandment 6 of Philosophy: Consider both sides of a argument and approve on your own with that knowledge.

Commandment 7 of Philosophy: Rewrite your argument for we are most likely to be wron somewhere in our arguments. Be ready to reject and revise your arguments.

Commandment 8 of Philosophy: Make everything simple.

Commandment 9 of Philosophy: Don't live in lies. Embrace the truth.

Commandment 10 of Philosophy: Live life with mortality.

January 26th


What is something interesting you learned while researching your period of philosophy?


Our time period was in the period where Greece was starting to crumble as a nation.

January 31st


Who would you have followed






Laozi, mostly because I live my life by "going with the flow."

February 2nd


How do you think Socrates would define "wisdom?"

How can you apply the idea of Socratic Wisdom to your own life?


Wisdom is knowing the full concept of an idea or every idea without any questions or hesitation we know that knowledge is factual. If this isn't possible then accepting that you don't the knowledge would be wisdom. This acceptance can lead to a drive to find the truth.

Socratic Wisdom can be used everyday when learning a new subject, like in school for example. The Socratic Method can clear confusing topics.

Unit 2
February 7


Give me an example of a belief you have/had that could be categorized under one of our four main factors.

If the basis for belief is the only reason I could give myself for believing what I believe, would I be justified in continuing to hold this belief.I


The belief that there is intelligent life, other than us, in the universe could be categorized as a Philosophical factor.

Yes, this is mostly because it is dependent solely on the reasoning and a high probability that this is possible.

February 9th


What belief are you most likely to believe in? Was it consistent with your survey?


I would most likely follow empiricism for I believe that evidence is key for almost everything in our reality. This was nearly perfect match to my survey for I only had empiricism views.

February 10th


February 13th


Reflect on your thoughts regarding Descartes and his methods.


Descartes seemed to be,in my belief, to skeptical about everything for his methods contradict our everyday life. If our senses were wrong all the time, and all the things we see in this world is all "fake" then how do we tell if we are real?

February 14th


Why do you think we fall in love.


We get emotionally attached to a friend or someone close to us and eventually develop feeling for said person.

Febuary 23rd


"Custom is the great guide to human life." -David Hume

What do you think Hume means by this (in regards to empiricism)?


Custom is what makes you believe in what you believe. In the views of empiricism, customs is our past experiences or knowledge on something.

Febuary 28th


After our unit on epistemology, What is your definition of knowledge?


Having a clear understanding in something you believe, that comes from both reasoning and past experience.


How would you rate your argumentative skills(1-10).explain


Probably a (5) mostly because I can argue a certain point but my lack of tieing in evidence lowers my ability to be a better person at arguing.

March 8th


Is there any time when you have used formal logic? Explain.


Formal logic is very important for my AP Language class for we have to write argumentive essays. This requires us to check the validity of the argument.

March 9th


Which fallacies do you frequently experience. Are you guilty of using any of these? Give me an example.


I believe everyone experiences a false dilema fallacy at least once in their life. That includes me. I also use this fallacy sometimes. For example, I can say there is only one way to solve a problem or it's not going to be resolved when in truth there are multiple ways of approaching the problem.

Unit 3


Created with images by Wendelin Jacober - "Zen Philosophy"

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