The One And Only Ivan By The One And Only Grady George



Ivan is a creative gorilla. I think this because when he was young, he drew different drawings out of the mud. Another character trait he had was Ivan keeps his promises. The reason why I think this is because he promised Stella that he would bring Ruby to the wild, and he did everything possible to get Ruby to the zoo.



Ruby is a very curious elephant. I think this because when she first came to the Big Top Mall, she was constantly asking questions about the silliest things. She can also be very stubborn, I think this because when Mack forced her to do tricks, she just sat there.



Stella is a very kind and loving elephant. I think this because she was always looking out for people, especially Ruby.



Bob is a very independent dog, I think this because when Bob was offered to go to the zoo with Ivan, he refused because he said it wouldn't be the same.

Created with images by trishhartmann - "Western Lowland Gorilla" • ellenm1 - "Western lowland gorilla" • brad.coy - "Mr. nice guy" • Ettore Balocchi - "Hominidae - Gorilla gorilla (Lowland Gorilla)" • Kabacchi - "Western Lowland Gorilla - 02" • Poorna Kedar - "Baby in the wild" • darkroomillusions - "Baby Elephant" • s9-4pr - "Baby Elephant, Sabi Sand" • VMOS - "Baby elephant" • Kathleen Tyler Conklin - "Baby Elephant" • ciamabue - "Female African elephant" • Rene Mensen - "Behind the bushes II" • icelight - "Elephant" • ciamabue - "Female African elephant" • sadiehart - "dog" • Just me.... - "20 days...." • trazomfreak - "Did You Say 'Cookie'?" • sadiehart - "dog"

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